I am a General Manager of pearl jewelry business. Nowadays, there are various styles in the business administration that the customer can select to consume the best things.
Therefore, our company needs to find new style product for satisfied customers. I believe that you are professional administrator. You can help us in proceeding and development to show comment to you desire.
The sincere delight for your opinion
Therefore, our company needs to find new style product for satisfied customers. I believe that you are professional administrator. You can help us in proceeding and development to show comment to you desire.
The sincere delight for your opinion
Miss Jaruwan Bangkaloo
General Manager of Pearl jewelry
Dear,Miss Jaruwan
ตอบลบI'm General Manager of Fuji restaurant.I'm very happy to be involved in your business.I'm interested in your company because your product is popular for the rich.It very beautiful for me.
For me, your blog that it's okay because it's very interesting such as color ,picture and text.It's very good.And finally,thank you for this greatest chance to be a part of yours.
Thank you very much
Miss Rawiwan Potikun
General Manager of Fuji restaurant
Dear miss Jaruwan (a general manager of Pearl Jewelry Company in Thailand)
ตอบลบYour blog has the good detail and the product is very interesting .You should improve the topic because it's not prominent and other it's very clear to understand.Your product is very beautiful.You should has many style of product.Your blog will appealing very.
I support your company
Best regards
Miss Tassaneewan Phunthong
General Manager of Plearnwan in Thailand
Dear, General manager of Pearl Jwerlry Company
ตอบลบI'm genaral manger of levi's.Your blogger provide clear color but I think that you may change presenting prduct so that bluid uniqune selling of produt. I believe that peearl is beautiful jwerly.
Miss Nalinee Srimai
GM of Levi's
Dear, Madam
ตอบลบI 'm the general manager of Lancome
You product are interesting.
I would like to suggest you about colour and I think that,you should change the color.
The picture focus the product unclearly.
please try again and consider it
Miss Lancome
ตอบลบDear...General Manager of Pearl jewelry
ตอบลบI'm the president Peugeot (Thailand) Company
Your product are interesting, high brand, and I like your white pearl.
Everything in your blog are good, so I would like to you consider again to design color background; it's rather not appropriate with your product. The red color is protuberant to result focusing on it.
I would like to suggest using sweet color. Then your product are protuberant more than this.
Best regards
Miss. Tassani Sornpet
President of Thailand Motor Cars (Peugeot) Company